Academic Counseling
      Student Government
      Alumni Association
      Emergency Plan
      Student Services

Student Government

Students at American Trinity University are encouraged to participate in the student government. Student government is organized to serve as a voice for tue student body to the University and trustees, in purpose of cooperating with the faculty members in daily basis. In May of each year, student government election is held, to select officers who desires to serve as a student leader.

Student Leadership

Elected student governors and council promotes students’interests and activities related to student life. Student council may nominate students to serve on various events organized for the school or the society during the school year.

Student Body Association

Students at American Trinity University are organized in a student body association, for the purpose of creating the best environment for students. Officers of the University student association are elected by the student body each year, positioned as:

• President
• Vice-President
• Secretary
• Treasurer

Standards of Conduct, Disciplinary Policy and Expulsion

The University shall take disciplinary action against a student who violates the standards of personal and ethical conduct.

These standards include the following:

• Academic misconduct including, but not limited to plagiarism or cheating
• Fabrication: Falsification or invention of information concerning the student's background
• Use or possession of alcoholic beverage, illegal drugs or dangerous weapon on campus
• Sexual harassment or misconduct
• Giving false statements to the University regarding application for admission
• Theft of university or personal property
• Unauthorized use of the University property
• Hazing
• Use of vulgar or abusive language to the faculty or staff; and
• Obstruction or disruption of the educational process on or off campus Among those listed, an act of academic dishonesty is one of the most serious violations of the student code of conduct. Definitions of various forms of academic dishonesty are as follows:
• Plagiarism: Knowingly or intentionally presenting the ideas, words or work of another as one’ own.
• Cheating: Unauthorized use of study aids, examination files or receiving unauthorized assistance in any academic exercise.

The Ethical Conduct Committee of the University, composed of faculty representatives, administrators and a representative from the college Student Association, is entrusted with the task of determining the disciplinary action. These actions shall be implemented immediately upon the findings of a violation by the Ethical Conduct Committee and include, but are not limited to:

• Verbal reprimand
• Written reprimand
• Loss of credits
• Property restitution
• Temporary suspension or dismissal
• Permanent dismissal

Student Complaint Procedures

Students with any dissatisfactions or displeasures may contact to the Director of Student Affairs. The director is responsible for taking an action to resolve any complaints from students. A student may lodge a complaint by communicating orally or in writing to any faculty members, administrator, admissions personnel, or counselor. A recipient of a complaint should attempt to resolve it and transmit it to the Dean of the school as soon as possible. If a student orally delivers the complaint and if it is not resolved within a reasonable period, the student is recommended to submit a written letter to the Director of Dean of school, using the University’ complaint form. Response to a written complaint will be given within 10 business days, including a summary of University's investigation and disposition of it.

Hearing Committee

Academic dishonesty or any actions a student conducts that violate the University standards and Code of Conduct will subject the student to disciplinary action, which may include dismissal from the University.