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  American Trinity University     
      119 Belmont Ave,
       Los Angeles, CA 90026
      (213)700-0886, (213)999-3389
       Fax: (213)250-7745


Welcome to American Trinity University

  Most of schools focus on teaching: we focus on learning. Teaching university on the education, knowledge, skill and experience of the teacher. Learning centers on the needs of student. The difference between these two approaches is indicated by Greek terms Exegesis and hodegesis. By definition, learning is change. When you have changed (intellectually, emotionally, spiritually), for better or for worse, you have learned.
You have a primary learning type. You are primary either an auditory learner, visual learner or tactile learner, though you doubtless learn in all three ways. You have a primary learning style. You are primary an explorer, analyzer mediator or applier, though you probably use all style to some extent.
  You have a basic temperament that motivates you to learn in certain way. You have a primary tendency to be direct, enthusiastic, patient or diplomatic, though you doubtless function in each of these tendencies when situations demand it. You have a basic motivational approach. You are essentially active, passive or proactive. You hold to a certain set of values. You hold to traditional values, or you’re moving away from traditional values; or you’re challenging traditional values; or you’re trying to integrate new beliefs into your traditional values.
  You have a certain leadership style that impacts on how you learn. you may lead with your brainpower, your emotions or your ‘heart’ level feelings. You have a unique past. Your age, education and experience provide the lens through which you view the process of learning.
  You have certain needs that you strive to meet. These may be security, social or spiritual needs.
  All of the above factors, plus others not mentioned, show that you are a unique person. This means that the individual learning you are taking with us has the capability of personal adaptation to and by you.
  We, the board of Trustees and faculty members and the Lordland Education Group welcome International and Korean programs students as of our extension school families. I, as President of America Trinity university pledge our assistance to make it successful and a blessing to God and His Kingdom.
  Thank you for your interest in our school programs. May God richly bless you and guide you by His Holy Spirit as you seek a place of training for ministry in the body of Christ our Lord.

Charles K Jung, Ph.D. & J.S.D.
                                                                              Chairman of University